Saturday, August 09, 2008

Sick of hearing about Football - and it hasn't started yet

Well, its only August and I'm already tired of football. Sure I like to watch games on Sunday afternoon as much as the next guy and I love the NFL playoffs, but I hate how they have to invent ways to talk about football when its the offseason.

First of all the Brett Favre situation. I think that everyone outside of New York and Green Bay will agree that this was the most overblown story in the history of sports including Barry Bonds. They should just have changed ESPN to BFNN (Brett Favre News Network). There are some of the best division races in baseball history going on this year with 7 of the 8 playoff spots still up for grabs in August, something I don't think has ever happened, and yet all they can talk about is a 39 year old football player whose best years are behind him.

Things I care about less than the Brett Favre story:
1. Pictures of Brangelina's new twins.
2. The Big Summer Movies: Momma Mia, Sex and the City, The Mummy part 27, and the Love Guru.
3. John Edwards' affair.
4. The new Coldplay album/tour/whatever.
thats about all I got.

Another thing they love to talk about is the teams in the NFL forcing season ticket holders to buy tickets Preseason games. Apparently every team does this for at least 2 preseason games at 85 bucks a pop. Here's the analysis I heard on the radio, no joke:

"This is downright criminal. The government should get involved. It's like being forced to spend $10 on a Deniro movie where he does 30% of the scenes and a stand in takes over."

1. This is pretty shitty, but its a good way for them to make money if people are stupid enough to do it.
2. The government can't fix its own problems, why should they waste time trying to fix the NFL's.
3. Simple solution here: don't see the movie: download it.

The easy way for fans to fix this is to stop buying season tickets. If enough people stop paying for season tickets, the teams will have to stop with the preseason garbage. Here's what would happen if the government got involved: The teams would find some other way to nickel and dime you to death. Something like the fee scam Ticketmaster uses, or raising prices on food or parking.

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